Спеціалісти Юридичної компанії «Бі Кей Бі» зі своїх офісів в Україні та Ізраїлі щодня обслуговують місцеві та багатонаціональні корпорації, урядові та приватні організації, приватних осіб. Наша команда була залучена до організації процесів щодо організації злиття та поглинання великих проектів нерухомості, організації інвестиційних портфелів та створення місцевої структури для великих міжнародних аграрних холдингів, підтримки транскордонних транзакцій фінансування, випуску облігацій, підтримки та консультування проектів зеленої енергетики, виробництві, операцій з фінансування експорту та імпорту, угод з реструктуризації та бейл-аутів.
Трудове право
-Advising employment and collective bargaining issues, drafting corporate governance documents;
-Advising trade unions;
-Handling of foreign individuals’ employment in Ukraine, including procurement of work permits and state registrations; and
-Labor disputes.
Комерційне право

-Advising on trade related legal issues such as foreign trade limitations and customs regulations;
-Advising clients on various legal matters concerning international and domestic commercial activities;
-Drafting and negotiating all types of commercial contracts;
-Issuing legal opinions as to validity and enforceability of instruments used within the transactions;
-Representing clients in relations with specific regulatory authorities and institutions; and
-Post-transaction support and overall legal support of contractual performance or related to contractual performance.
Банківське та фінансове право
- Advising arrangement and conducting transaction management of cross-border finance, export and import financing transactions, ECA covered loans, forfeiting and project finance;
- Advising transactions on the international capital markets (Eurobond and local bonds issues, quasi-bond issues, initial public offerings, assets securitizations);
- Advising on foreign trade, currency and customs regulation issues;
- Advising and conducting deals on successful restructurings and bail-outs of cross-border facilities of various origination;
- Issuing legal opinions on the matters of banking and financial law;
- Elaborating and implementing complex construction, food and industrial production financing structures;
- Conducting legal due diligence of loan portfolios and off-balance commitments in terms of contingent risks for investors or business owners;
- Advising on and assisting in obtaining the National Bank of Ukraine licenses, permits and registrations, when required under the currency control regulations; and
- Counseling on setting up and full legal support of incoming finance businesses in Ukraine, including insurance companies, leasing companies, investment funds, non-governmental pension funds.
Встановлення фактів

Archive search, proof of nationality, court hearings on facts establishing, etc.
Реконструкція та реновація
Building permission, contracts, due diligence
Відновлювальна енергетика

Legal support in obtaining permissions, financing, ground areas, State and local representation, building, corporate governance, and all other questions as a single set.
Лігал Ай Ті
Smart contracts, ICO’s, STO’s, White papers, KYC on-line verification, Digital signature, international recognition and much more.
Вирішення спорів

Attorney at law representation. Concilation procedure, mediation, Arbitration, International commercial arbitration, including ad hoc procedure. National courts of all levels, including appeal and cassational instance in Ukraine, Israel and USA. European court of human rights.
Неурядові організації/Релігійні організації
We are unique in providing legal services to religious and other non-governmental establishments.
Сімейне право

Our team will take care of legal issues in connection with creation of family, mediation, adoption, divorce.
Медичне право
We have developed a unique practice in Medical Law in Ukraine.
- Consulting on obtaining of approvals and permits for importing medicines in Ukraine;
- Registration of medical equipment, medicines, and other medical products;
- Full legal support on medical activity and clinical checking of medicines;
- Advising in advertising of medical supplies, registration of intellectual property; and
- Consulting on medical business structure.
Земельна право та сільське господарство

Our firm has an experience advising foreign investors interested in engaging in agricultural business in Ukraine.
Нерухомість та будівництво

- Advising in and conducting transaction related to sale and purchase of buildings and land plots, immovable property (or their parts), construction of retail parks, residential complexes, etc.;
- Risk analysis and legal due diligence of immovable property;
- Advising contractors and services agreements in project design and construction;
- Advising real estate and land lease, creating the optimal structure thereof;
- Thorough investigation of root of title to property and title registration;
- Counseling and revealing all encumbrances, liens, hypothecs, mortgages, pledges, restrictions to alienation, tax sequesters, servitudes, emphyteusises, superficies, usufructs, pre-emptive and other third party rights, and other limitations to use, disposal or development of the property; and
- Participation in closing of the deal and post-completion support.
Корпоративне право/Злиття та поглинання

Our firm assists local and international clients on various issues of corporate law and acts as legal counsel on transactions of mergers and acquisitions.
- Legal planning and structuring of the investments;
- Overall support in establishing green field investments of any form as well as in opening divisions (branches, representative offices) of foreign legal entities and their subsidiaries in Ukraine;
- Overall support in conducting effective corporate restructuring of businesses or ceasing of businesses;
- Strategic planning, structuring efficient and reliable management of M&A transactions;
- Advising on strategic corporate initiatives and setting up optimal corporate structures for newly established businesses;
- Representing principal entities or financial investors / advisors in public takeovers and public company mergers; and
- Post-transaction support and advising on asset-based deals.
Інтелектуальна власність

- Registration and protection industrial patent, utility patent, designed patent and trade mark;
- Advising copyright and neighboring rights protection, protection of commercial/trade name; and
- Legal due diligence in intellectual property targets.
Податкове право

- Tax planning and tax advice.
Конкурентне та антитрастове право з партнерами

- Consulting on competition and antitrust law;
- Consulting on transaction demanding the permit of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine;
- Conducting legal due diligence on target companies for the purpose of acquisition or sale of shares/ownership interest in existing enterprises; and
- Representative clients in the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine or other state or municipal bodies regarding any issue on competition or antitrust law.